Mobile cellular giant, MTN, has expanded it’s portfolio by taping into the condom manufacture market. The telecos company recently launched the MTN Condom brand.
The giant company which dominates the South Africa cellular network and many other African countries revealed in a press release which was attended by invitation only that it had seen a gap in the market and decided to fill it. South Africa remains one of the highest countries with the numbers of people living with HIV Aids. MTN , being a huge name, decided to offer this co_ndom as a way to help prevent the spread of the deadly disease.
Speaking at the launch, MTN c.ondoms brand manager said, “We have devised different flavors and sizes of these condoms and we made sure they feel like you are not wearing anything at all. Like flesh to flesh. The special material was specially made in high tech equipped laboratories in Germany and also made with the South African climate in mind to make sure there is no case of burst condoms. The material used is very strong” The manager said.
Currently, the co_nd0m comes in 4 flavors or scents which identify with the South African economy and some with the youth. The four scents are Pumpkin Spice, Artchar, Nonke and Nkandla with each scent having its own unique color.
The sizes will consist of small, medium, large, extra large and then the biggest and last size will be called “NONKE”
MTN Condoms will be offered for free in selected stores and will also be packaged inside new starter packs from July.
A nationwide campaign will commence from 15 June to make sure the c.ondoms reach every part of Mzansi.
Source : iMzansi Satire