An amateur twerk contest ended horribly after one of the contestants dislocated her hip in an attempt to out-twerk her opponents.
The incident is said to have happened in Soweto at a popular night spot on Friday night. The venue was packed to the rims and as per custom, some ladies decided to engage in a twerking contest. The crowd was asked to be the judges. An eye witness said every was going fine until they decided to turn it up a notch. ‘When Lucy won, her competitor, I did not get her name, decided to shack one marago’ Said the eye witness while dramatically uses hand movement to show the intended action. ‘The crowd went wild and next thing we know, she was on the floor crying’
Reports suggest that the lady snapped her hip bone while trying the maneuver. She collapsed on the floor and started crying. At first people thought she was still dancing but when people realised she might have hurt herself, the party was immediately stopped and people went on to call the ambulance.
Paramedics confirmed on scene that she had disclocated and torn some ligaments. The pained lady was eventually taken to the hospital.
The pub owner said it was unfortunate because every one was having a good time and business was high that day.
Source : iMzansi