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Robert Marawa hires bouncers to threaten who took picture of him and Pearl Thusi

Don’t take a pic of Pearl or Marawa will freak and send bouncers to grab the camera. That’s what Madluphutu did when he was pictured in public with his girl, Pearl Thusi.
Metro FM sports anchor, Robert Marawa, was not a happy man when he was pictured in public with Pearl. Sunday Sun has heard that Robert and four bouncers grabbed a photographer’s camera. It happened at L’vovo’s birthday back two weeks ago, in the Durban Botanical Gardens.
Witnesses said Robert noticed a photographer taking pictures of him and Pearl getting cosy – and was not impressed. The photographer is known in the media circles. One witness said : “It was as if someone had done something wrong to Robert. He went to the photographer and demanded the camera. But the guy refused. Robert then went off and came back huffing and puffing with four bouncers and demanded the camera”
Another witness said it was a shame to see a working photographer being treated like this by Robert Marawa and his lady. “But everyone knows they are dating! It makes us wonder why he didn’t want to be photographed. Pearl had no problem at all and it seemed like she was enjoying her cosy moments with Madluputhu. Robert is such a nice guy, but I guess he had demons on that day.”
This is not the first time Robert blew a fuse and demanded that a photographer delete his photos with Pearl. “He did that at the Metro Music Awards early this year and he did it again at L’vovo’s bash”, said the second witness. Pearl said : “Is that work related? I don’t know about you but I was taught to mind my own business. You should try it”
The photographer confirmed the incident : “He wanted me to format my memory card, but I refused and told them to delete the photos they did not like. He then gave the camera to Pearl who then deleted the pictures.”
Robert couldn’t be reached for comment.
Source : Sunday Sun

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