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#MatthewTheunissen racist post over privileges of SA Rugby, Cricket South Africa and Athletics

Matthew Theunissen’s name is now trending on social media platform Twitter following a racist comment he made about Sports Minister Fikile Mbalula’s decision to suspend the privileges of SA Rugby, Cricket South Africa and Athletics SA from bidding for international tournaments due to lack of transformation.
In a Facebook post on his account, Theunissen wrote: “So no more sporting events for South Africa.. I’ve never been more proud than to say our government are a bunch of KAFFIRS.. yes I said it so go fuck yourselves you black fucking cunts”.
It was not immediately clear when he had written the post as his Facebook profile was no longer active.
His comment has sparked anger across social media platforms with some calling for government to take strong action against him, while others have managed to find his CV containing personal details and have threatened to find him and take matters into their own hands.
According to the CV, the 26-year-old lives in Cape Town, has a master’s degree in environmental management from Stellenbosch University and currently works in water resource management.
Theunissen could not be reached for comment as all calls were diverted to his voicemail.
Source : Online

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