Manaka Ranaka, is still trying to come to terms with the passing of a young school girl she accidentally killed in a car crash in December last year.
The girl, whose name is Millicent Mbonani, 18, was a Grade 12 pupil when she died. The accident happened on R554 road to Leondale near the highway in Roodekop, east of Joburg. But the former actress, who is also a mother herself, showed remorse by reaching out to Millicent’s family.
Move! has established that Manaka took a major step on Mother’s Day when she visited Millicent’s mother, who is still mourning the passing of her only daughter. Insiders close to Manaka say that Manaka pitched at Millicent’s family home in Leondale unannounced, where she paid the mother of the deceased a surprise visit. “Manaka is still traumatised by the accident that took the young girl’s life. She felt the need to visit the family on Mother’s Day to see Millicent’s mother, as she felt that she might have needed someone to be with her,” says a friend. “The family was surprised to see her and she spent most of the day talking to Millicent’s mother.”
Move! spoke to Manaka about her visit and she said that there was nothing major about her being with the Mbonani family. “As a mother myself, I felt the need to visit Millicent’s mother as I knew that she needed to have someone to wish her a happy Mother’s Day. I did that to show my support towards her, as her daughter was no longer around to wish her a happy Mother’s Day,” she says. “As an African child, I felt it was important to keep in touch with the family and also to give them moral support. Millicent was a jewel to her mother and since she is no longer with us, it is my responsibility to see that her mother is getting better and stronger in her life.” Manaka also says that the passing of Millicent had brought her very close to the family. Actress Manaka Ranaka says she feels the pain of the mother of a girl she accidentally killed in a car crash last December “Millicent’s mother was expecting a lot from her daughter. However, the accident took all that from her. I am doing my best to see her passing this stage of losing a child that she dearly loved,” she says.
Manaka says that she is waiting for Millicent’s mother to tell her when she is ready to go for counselling, which she says she will pay for. “I feel that she really deserves a professional help, which I also need to get through this,” she says. “We are in this pain together, and I need to play my role as I feel that it is very important to walk with her in the process of healing.” Move! understands that Manaka brought Millicent’s mother some soothing candles so that they can help her relieve her stress.
Source : Move