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Government to PAY R1420.00 grant to Unemployed youths.

South Africa, like most countries, is grappling with the challenge of youth unemployment.
Youth unemployment in South Africa is estimated to be 36,1%, which is significantly higher than adult unemployment at 15,6%.
Government has recognized the problem of poor economic participation of young people and has put in place numerous policy interventions geared towards bringing youth into the mainstream of the economy to enhance social inclusion and cohesion.
Through National Treasury and the Department of Labor, the DSD introduced youth unemployment policy options for South Africa with the aim of incentivising entities to employ young people.
The NYDA has provided the Integrated Youth Development Strategy with the key mandate of implementing interventions geared towards the economic participation of young people, namely, youth work, national youth services, and education and skills relevant to economic empowerment.
However, not everyone unemployed, benefits from the NYDA. Government has therefore planned to introduce social assistance to unemployed South Africans who do not receive support.
Government is planning to introduce social assistance to unemployed South Africans between the ages of 19 and 59 who do not receive support from government.
Sources have declared that the Department of Social Development stated this week that unemployed South Africans between the ages of 19 and 59 will start receiving grant in mid 2017. Government must ensure unemployed people in this age group are able to put food on the table every day, they said.
The Government has focused on social relief mainly for malnourished children, but the reality is South Africa has malnourished adults in South Africa too.Good news for South Africa.
We will keep you updated.
Source:iMzansi Satire

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