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Police on the lookout for these two women, they are dangerous

Keep an eye out for these two women. They’re hanging around Woolworths stores in various locations in Gauteng. When you are putting your bags into the car they approach you asking for a lift to McDonald’s.
These girls are very convincing and quite attractive!
Once they are in your car one of them takes her clothes off while getting on top of you to distract you while the other takes your wallet.
I’ve had my wallet stolen now on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, twice yesterday and probably two more times tomorrow.
PEP Stores have wallets for sale for about R18.99 but I’ve found some in Pick ‘n Pay for only R15.49 so I bought 4. Also, you never actually make it to McDonalds so I’ve also lost 11kg.

Source : lol

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