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MMM South Africa: Where does 30% money coming from

MMM is a mutual fund exchange network where people provide financial help directly to each other in automated Private Offices via the internet.  You Provide Help to someone else (donate) then get rewarded with 30% every month on the amount you Provide Help with (donate). You then get an opportunity to Get Help (withdraw your funds) you have Provided Help. The Power of Giving lets you receive in 23 times more than you gave to others in a year!!!
Your Rands are converted to MAVRO when you request to Provide Help, so the growth rate is generated by the system on your MAVROS. MAVRO is a help index which grows by 30% per month, named by famous Sergey Mavrodi, founder of the MMM Community. 1 MAVRO = 1 Rand.
After you register you will put in a request to PROVIDE HELP (donate). Then you will be placed in a queue whereby you’ll wait to receive Orders to transfer the funds (your donation). The Order will come with banking details of the person(s) to whom you must deposit the money. In the meantime, your MAVROS start growing IMMEDIATELY, before you even deposit your money to anyone! And they will continue to grow while you’re waiting in queue for your Orders to be dispatched for payment and after you deposit!
You’ll be in queue for about 4-5 weeks before your Orders are dispatched for payment. Orders will have details of the person(s) to whom you must deposit the funds to. Only then will you transfer the funds to the recipient.
After you transfer the funds and the other participant confirms receipt, your MAVRO becomes confirmed and unfrozen and available to withdraw. You can then request to GET HELP (with your funds) or let them continue to grow by 30% every month!
Minimum to participate is R100 and maximum R100,000.
MMM is a Community of people providing each other with financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence! Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help; another one offers to help!
The only thing that MMM demands from its participants is honesty and kindness towards each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do so.
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A controversial high yield investment program (HYIP) is raising red flags at a South African bank.
Capitec clients who are linked to MMM South Africa have reported that their accounts are being frozen, causing a backlash on social media.
MMM was started by convicted Russian fraudster, Sergey Mavrodi, who was found guilty of running one of Russia’s biggest pyramid schemes in the 1990s, in which millions of people lost their life savings.
The exact same scheme is now running locally, trading as MMM South Africa,
In September 2015, MMM South Africa was listed as one of the potential pyramid schemes under investigation by the National Consumer Commission in South Africa.
The group’s hook is the promise of high returns on investments – as much as 30% per month – along with “testimonials” from clients who claim to have achieved great success with the scheme.
Here is a testimonial from an “MMM captain”, who claims to have received R1 million after a R10,000 payment through the scheme.

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