10 Types Of Prostitutes
1. Street prostitution – Payment type: Cash Only
Client solicited on the street, park or other public places services in side street, vehicles or short stay premises.
2. Brothel prostitution – Payment type: Cash and Credit Card
Premises explicity dedicated to providing sex. It’s better security than street.
3. Excort prostitution - Payment type : Cash and Credit Card
Client contact sex worker by phone or hotel staff. Most covert form of sex work. Relatively expensive because of low client turnover services provided at hotel room or clients home.
4. Private prostitution – Payment type : Cash only
Client contact sex worker by phone. Premises provided in workers premises.
5. Tourism prostitution :Cash and Credit Card
Sex tourism is travel for sexual intercourse with prostitutes or to engage in other sexual activity. The World Tourism Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations defines sex tourism as "trips organized from within the tourism sector, or from outside this sector but using its structures and networks, with the primary purpose of effecting a commercial sexual relationship by the tourist with residents at the destination
6. Club, pub, karaoke bar, bar prostitution – Payment type : Cash only
Clients solicited in alchohol vending venues and services on side or elsewhere.
7. Domestic prostitution- Payment type : Free
Domestic prostitutes ones are the so-called girlfriends we keep at home with the false impression that we have a decent clean babe all to ourselves, but unfortunately when we are away they sneak out to have s*x with other guys
8. Sugar daddies prostitution: Payment type: Cash, Debit and valuables
If you are are date older man called sugar daddies with the intention of getting financial benefit that prostitution
9. Alcohol Social Prostitution : Payment type: Beer
This kind of prostitution is common to young girls who are leaving at their homes, go out over weekends meet with strange man mostly with cars to buy them alcohol. In return those man will demand to have sex with them when they are drunk . Most of South African women do this kind of prostitution
10. Other method of solicitation prostitution – Cash and Credit Card
Used internet or mobile phone services to confirmed the sex worked.
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