Former Mamelodi Sundowns captain and defender, Method Mwanjali, was arrested on Sunday in Harare after he allegedly twice stabbed a man with a knife following a nightclub brawl over a woman.
The former Black Aces player who now captains CAPS United was detained at Milton Park Police station in the capital, along with teammate Archford Gutu, according to daily media on Monday.
The pair are expected to appear in court on Monday.
United spokesperson Alois Bunjira told the newspaper that the club will stand by their players until the matter is settled by the courts.
“We don’t condone violence at the club. The matter will be dealt with at the club internally once the law has taken its full course.
“They have since given us their side of the story and from what we heard it was a brawl which wasn’t started by themselves and they were only defending themselves following provocation.”
After the stabbing, Mwanjali allegedly drove the man to hospital, where he is recovering well.
Source : Online