This 20 Year old wants people to talk more openly about sex and she doing something about it.
ileen Kelly is using her cat-green eyes to scour pine boxes at her favorite New York haunt, Dashwood Books, on Bond Street, to find something rare and cool and inspiring to feature on her new blog,
Killer and a Sweet Thang, or in her upcoming zine. Eileen is most widely known as the girl behind the Instagram account
@killerandasweetthang, a feed with a following of over 300 thousand people, who identify with its posts about underground MCs, young artists, and scene-stars.

Her newest project builds her voice from that of a social media star to a provocateur. Today, along with a line of casual clothing, Eileen debuts a sex-education blog for young adults. It's a step up from the popular
Tumblr she started during school, which attracted thousands of followers through over-sharing before it was a trend. There, she answered questions from fans about dating, sex, health, and life, with honesty -- because, mostly, they wanted honesty and a friend. If her Tumblr was a peephole into teen life, her new site is a lengthy study: with medical and physiological insights, cultured reads, celebrity interviews, and multimedia offerings. She's building a digital girls' world.
When did you decide to start a sex-ed blog?When I was 16.
Really, 16?I started a Tumblr in high school and I'd spend hours on it after I finished my homework, answering questions and giving advice. It became this dream of mine. I would tell my friend, "This is what I want to do for a job."
Where do you think that desire came from?It comes from a really vulnerable place. You know, I didn't have a mum to ask questions to and I couldn't ask my dad because it was too weird. Going through middle school was a really confusing, hard time for me. I had to learn everything through life experience or my friends, who'd ask their mums. And sex-ed in school doesn't tell you everything, either. I want to help girls who are stuck in that tough spot.
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