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#CassperPhone: Cassper launch his own mobile phone with AG Mobile and MTN

The rapper, who launched his own mobile phone with AG Mobile and MTN on Tuesday morning, explained why he decided to align himself with the brand. 
"I have the opportunity to be on every brand right now in South Africa, but it offers little money. So I've also fought for... You see our celebrities everywhere and they're offered R100 000, their lives don't change, in a few months they're not as cool as they used to be and they move on to the next brand. 

"When I work with brands it has to be life-changing money. Money I can use to put my sisters through school and stuff like that. The reason why I work with AG Mobile is because they were really keen to back my other projects. We didn't just do this, you know."
The rapper, who recently revealed that he's bought himself new property, said the brand really showed interest in him and and supported him.
"That is why I work with AG Mobile. And I mean also, MTN changed my life, gave me the biggest cheque that I have ever seen, it really made sense for me to work with them." 
Cassper said he's really excited about the new venture, and thanked MTN and AG Mobile for backing him. "One of the things I really fought for is for the device to take good pictures, to be a good phone. I don't don't wanna put my name beside something that isn't cool. They did exactly that." 
The phone is available for pre-order today. 

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