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ANC branch Letter: Zuma must go or face disciplinary

President Jacob Zuma should be removed from office or face the ANC's integrity and disciplinary committees, the party's Sefako Makgatho branch in the Greater Johannesburg region said on Wednesday.
Branch chairperson Sasabona Manganye said a letter had been sent to ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe on Wednesday morning.
This followed a mandate from the branch.

Find page 1 of the letter here and page 2 here.

The branch has recommended three options on how it believes the National Executive Committee (NEC) should deal with Zuma.
The first option was to ask Zuma to resign as ANC president and president of the country and allow Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa to act in his place until the party's next conference in 2017.
If the president refused to resign, the second option was to subject him to the integrity committee or the national disciplinary committee.
"As all these processes unfold, the president should be temporarily suspended so that he doesn't unduly influence the disciplinary proceedings," the branch said in its letter.
‘None of us are above ANC constitution’
The third option was that the party held a special national conference to discuss and resolve the matter.
Manganye said his branch believed organisational processes had to be adhered to, even when dealing with the president of the party.
"They should not be treating the president differently from any other member of the organisation," he told News24.
"The resolutions and constitution of the ANC is applicable to all of us. None of us are above it. His actions... put the name of the ANC into disrepute and as a result they should subject him to the integrity committee of the ANC..."
However, if the matter was not referred to the committee, which is run by ANC stalwarts, then Zuma should face the party's national disciplinary committee.
"[This is] irrespective of whether he has apologised or not, because it is a serious violation. He violated the Constitution of the country and indirectly violated his oath of office," said Manganye.
Zuma ‘must go before local elections’
Last year, the ANC announced that it was giving its integrity committee more teeth by bestowing the power on it to make decisions regarding those who had tarnished the party's image.
Previously, the committee could only make recommendations on how to deal with members who had brought the party into disrepute.
The ANC established the committee following its 2012 Mangaung conference where Zuma was elected for a second term.
Manganye said his branch believed Zuma must be removed before the local government elections.
"Removing him before local government elections will win us more support than keeping him. The reality is that the ANC is the leader of society and we are not an organisaiton to ourselves... and if society raises concerns about our integrity and reputation, informed by how our leader is conducting himself, you can't ignore those issues," he said.
"The minute you ignore those issues then it means you are losing that moral standing in society as an organisation. As a result you may suffer the consequences of such at the polls."
‘It’s not about Zuma’
Manganye said his branch wanted people to regain their confidence in the party, even at local level.
It wanted the ward to know that its leaders had integrity and were defending the ANC's reputation.
"It's not about President Zuma, if any other person was involved we would raise the same views."
Manganye said he had confidence that Mantashe would take Sasabona Manganye branch's letter seriously, as he himself called on structures of the party to discuss the matter.
"We will not allow oppositions to be the ones to dictate what must happen. We took advantage of that call [by Mantashe] by writing the letter with hope it will be taken seriously."
The branch was lobbying other branches.
Manganye said other branches would be holding branch general meetings in order to get a mandate from their members.
Source: News24

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