Facebook, the new owners of WhatsApp, have announced that the ‘Last Seen’ information will also contain a person’s GPS location. This feature will ensure the safety and security for the application users.
For example:
- Hey love! I’m on my way to Umthatha for my cousin’s funeral, see you tomorrow. (Last seen 03:00 at Blue Elephant lodge Port Shepstone)
- Hie mum, I’m at Naledi’s place in Bleom having a group study for a test, I will be home late, don’t wait up for me. (Last seen 14:00 at Kopano Lodge, Kimberley)
- Honey, I’m checking in and will leave for Addis Ababa soon. See you in 3 days time. Miss you already. How is Joburg ?(Last seen 17:10 at Hilton, Cape Town )
- Sweety, I am at Garden Court Hotel in an emergency board meeting with some investors followed by a dinner, sorry for cancelling our dinner plans. I will make it up to you.(Last seen 19:25 at Eyadini Lounge, Umlazi)
Source :iMzansi Satire