Kim Tripp, a woman with dwarfism known as ‘mini Kim Kardashian’ at a cabaret show in Nevada, was found dead by her boyfriend ‘mini Kayne West’, outside her Las Vegas home on Sunday.
Tripp, 32, was said to be in good health before she was found unresponsive on the porch of her apartment, according to TMZ.
It is unclear if foul play or a medical issue was the cause of her death.
Tripp starred as the little people’s Kim Kardashian at Beacher’s Madhouse at the MGM in Las Vegas and the Hollywood Roosevelt in Los Angeles.
‘Today is a sad day, the Beacher’s Madhouse family lost one of our founders and original members. She was our Shining Star.
‘My prayers and love go out to our team and her family.
‘She will be loved and missed by all,’ Beacher’s Madhouse told TMZ.
Little people are an integral part of the Beacher’s Madhouse cabaret and are featured in a variety of roles including performers and servers.
People who have dwarfism can occasionally have health issues due to the condition, including breathing problems and weight problems.
Source : TMZ