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Gay Magosha DISHES Condoms and Lubricants in Limpopo

Several boxes of condoms were seen inside gay magosha Dudu Bele’s shack at Marapong township in Limpopo.
30-year-old Bele believes that in this business that he has chosen to do, contracting HIV-Aids is a daily risk.
With this idea at the back of his mind, Bele has derived the inspiration to go out and distribute condoms and sachets of lubricant around the township in Lephalale near Eskom’s Medupi power station.
“I insist on using condoms. But too many people around here don’t like using condoms,” he said.
The condoms were delivered to Bele’s home by an organisation and he gives se_x workers between 10 to 15 condoms each day.
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa led a government delegation yesterday as they visited the area to promote awareness on tuberculosis and HIV-Aids-related diseases to mark World TB Day.
Embedded in their agenda is also the launching of a new health centre in the area which Ramaphosa, who is also deputy chairman of the SA National Aids Council is to oversea.
Ramaphosa urged residents to come out and be screened for TB.
“All people in SA must be aware of the dangers of tuberculosis … that tuberculosis can be a killer disease,” he told the crowd.
Gay se_x worker Bele who also works with the Sisonke Se_x Worker Movement expressed gratitude and excitement that they will have a bigger health facility in the area because the old clinic was too small to accommodate their sick and others who seek medical attention.
Bele said he makes it a point of duty to distribute condoms to fellow se_x workers including gay se_x workers everyday before he starts his daily business.
He charges his clients R200 per round and R800 for the whole night and encourages others to always say no when they are offered more money in exchange for unprotected se_x.
“I teach them to refuse if they are offered more money just to have unprotected se_x. I tell them to say no! If a se_x worker gets sick, I have to make sure that they get helped at the clinic,” he said.
The gay se_x worker attends to only male clients both straight and gay/ married and single. He sees at least five or more clients a day.
“My clients are men both straight and gay. Anyone can come to me. Some of my clients are even married people. It can be dangerous sometimes because a lot of people don’t like gays. So if you don’t explain that you are gay, it becomes a problem,” Bele said.
The 30-year-old said he ventured into becoming a gay se_x worker three years ago for lack of employment and the fact that his parents died when he was still very young.
Source:BuzzSouth Africa

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