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Edge Please Help Me: Pregnancy after miscarriage, did you have early early symptoms?

This may just be really wishful thinking but I miscarried late June At 7w4d. It was like a bad period physically. Bleeding Lasted only five days. The midwife said to go ahead and start trying again so we did. I took a test Sunday to confirm my levels had dropped and got a BFN as expected. 
Now nearly three weeks after the mc, I am starting to have pregnancy symptoms. Being that I was just pregnant, I remember really clearly what it feels like. I have sore nipples/boobs. I have the familiar full bladder feeling that isn’t remedied by peeing and I have pulling stretchy cramps. 
I took a wondfo test last night and it was negative. But it waba maybe a Hour hold. 
My question is, is it possible that my body already knows how to be pregnant so it just bounced back quickly? And also are there any bees that got pregnant immediately after a mc? 

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