Emotions ran high last Friday in KwaMashu. Durban following the startling confession of a 28-year old dealer of how he had s_ex with more than 183 women and used their v_aginal fluids for money rituals.
Vusi Ndlovu, who raced to the Durban Christian Centre in Durban West Street for a spiritual solution after nemesis had caught up with him, said his s_exual escapades with the young women happened within a period of one year.
Showing signs of remorse, Vusi Ndlovu said he committed the act in order to get rich quickly and also become the don of the trading business in Durban .
In his search for money and power, the young man claimed he was introduced to a Sangoma in KwaMashu C-Section, who gave him a money god, while he was a little known trader.
Narrating how he came by his money, the dealer said he was directed by the Sangoma to sleep around with women and use the v_aginal fluids of the victims to perform rituals
for the blood money.
“It all started a year ago when I was introduced to this Sangoma by my friends. I wanted to fortify my position as a dealer and get more money as well. He helped me out by giving me a money god which needed the v_aginal fluids of women,” Vusi recounted.
The Kwa Mashu resident revealed that he bonked several women and lost count of them after the 183rd woman, and paid each of the women between R300 and R500 for a night’s encounter, which all happened at his residence in KwaMashu.
Trouble started for the renowned dealer, Vusi, when he met one “prayerful woman” whom he brought home for a hot s_ex session one night, but it turned out to be the end of the road for him.
According to him, he returned to his room to find this lady praying on his bed, after going out to pass urine, which action rendered him motionless, and he began experiencing sleepless nights thereafter.
“I asked why she was praying, and she replied that it was nothing. I could not touch her and since then, till my deliverance, I experienced nightmares,” he disclosed.
He narrated that he began experiencing recurrent nightmares, and therefore went to DCC church for spiritual intervention, where he made the startling revelation of the blood money and the number of women he preyed upon.
Vusi asked the victims of his blood money for forgiveness and pledged to use the proceeds to help the poor, professing that he had turned over a new leaf.
“Our women like money and I want them to know that not all that glitters is gold. They should be careful and not cheapen themselves for money.”