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MEN ONLY: 10 Simple Way To Know Our Woman Has Reached Cl1max

Its important to know your women when is satisfy with what you are doing. Her is the Simple Way To Know Our Woman Has Reached Cl1max
#1. She will hold you tight with both hands and even try to kiss you severally

#2. She will raise her legs and spread them wide.

#3. She will relax her bones and probably startsqueezing your P*nis with the walls of her vag1na

#4. She will start crying,and making funny noise such as ah, ah ahaa, ouch, waaaaaaa.She experiences flashes all over her body…
#5. The walls of her vag1na becomes soft and spongy. Her cl1t0ry becomes so ere-ct, swollen, big…then suddenly gets small or disappears under the clit0ral hood.

#7. Her heart start beating very fast and she starts breathing fast also.

#8. She becomes so wet…..some who squ1rt will even wet the sheets!!

#9. She might use her nails to scratch your back or tear your clothes.

#10. When she cu-ms she feels very weak, shaky, sleepy and sleeps soon after.

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