The reality magazine show Making Moves has been renewed for the seventh season. The season 7 of the reality show made its debut on our small screens last Monday, February 22th, 2016 on SABC1.
Making Moves is about celebrating and promoting young successful South African entrepreneurs.
The magazine reality show is driven by two presenters; the vibrant and multilingual Siya Mdlalose, who’s been with the show since season two as field presenter and Pepsi Pokane, MD of Bonngoe TV brings his wealth of business and presenting experience as a frank, hard-hitting studio host.
The show will feature seven entrepreneurs competing for an investment injection of R50 000.
After six seasons on air Making Moves takes a glance back at the young entrepreneurs who first appeared on Making Moves; re-visit their businesses and celebrate their milestones and high moments that shaped their businesses.
The show celebrates women who are pioneers in their field and open up about their challenges, prospects and future ventures. This season also offers young entrepreneurs, contributing to the township and rural economy, R10 000 to transform their businesses.
Be sure to tune into Making Moves @ 13h30 every Monday on SABC1!