This service is free. Fax to email service allows you to set up your own personal fax number starting with 086, that will send faxes straight to your email!
You can always keep this fax number, provided you receive a fax every 3 months.
You will receive faxes sent to your 086 fax number as email attachments in your inbox.
All you need to do is distribute your 086 number to all you business contacts, friends and family and start receiving faxes in your email inbox.
This free fax number is yours for life and can be published on business cards and websites.
Simply put, let’s say someone wants to send you a document through fax, but you do not have a fax machine, that’s where you can use this fax to email number. You give them your 086 fax number, then they send you a fax which you can receive via email.
You can choose to read the fax online or download and print it.
I hope you are now ready to create your own free 086 fax to email number now.
Create your free fax to email now,
click here.