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Generations: The Legacy cast haunting by huge python gone missing on their office: Please help

THE RATINGS are picking up and the show is looking good.  But behind the scenes the terrified cast and crew of Generations: The Legacy are watching every step they take. SOMEWHERE IN THE DARK CORNERS OF THE SABC, A GIANT SNAKE LIES CURLED UP, HIDING IN THE SHADOWS.
According to a source, an albino Ball Python was brought onto the set two weeks ago for a scene between Tshidi and Gadaffi Phakade – and now the snake has disappeared!
It is roaming around the SABC’s Henley Studios in Auckland Park. The ball python has no dark pigmentation and has a light skin.
The snake brought in for the show was a light yellow colour. Generations: The Legacy has been trending for the past few days because of the storyline about Karabo wanting to take two husbands.  An insider said they all went home after the shoot and when they returned to work, the snake was nowhere to be found.
“The snake is so big. We really don’t know what happened to it. The production team and actors are all scared. They say the snake is trained and that nothing will happen but that has not taken away our fear,” said the insider. “The show was paused, but we had to go back on set because we are on a tight deadline.”  Publicity manager Gaaratwe Mokhethi confirmed that the snake has gone missing.
“I don’t want to cause any alarm. We are handling this as the production team,” said Gaaratwe.
She said she didn’t want to comment on claims that everyone is panicking.
“But the upcoming story featuring the snake is going to be mind-blowing,” she said.  “We are using the snake in the scenes with Tshidi and Gadaffi and it has been amazing on screen.” She denied claims that the snake has affected production. “Our schedule always allows us space to deal with interruptions.”
The snake’s trainers have been called in to help look for it but the snake is still missing in action.
Source : DailySun

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