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Facebook 13m vs Twitter 7.4m vs YouTube 8.28m vs Instagram 2.68m user in South Africa

World Wide Worx and Fuseware have released their findings on the number of South Africans who use Twitter and YouTube.

This comes after the companies released their study on Facebook and Instagram use in

South Africa, which revealed that a quarter of all citizens use Facebook.

In their SA Social Media Landscape 2016 study, they stated that:
  • Facebook has 13 million users
  • Twitter 7.4 million users
  • YouTube 8.28 million users
  • Instagram 2.68 million users
  • Facebook on smartphones in SA
The study found that of the 13 million South Africans on Facebook, 10 million (or 77%) use it on mobile devices.

7.9 million South Africans use smartphones to access Facebook, while 1.6 million use basic feature phones.

Tablets are being used to access Facebook by 1.4 million people – many of whom also use their phones to access the service.

Instagram was the big winner of the 2016 study – showing 133% growth over the past year.

Additionally, 24% of major brands not on the service plan on using Instagram in 2016.

Currently, 42% of major brands use Instagram – including Mr Price and Mercedes-Benz.

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