JOHANNESBURG – Standard Bank has confirmed it has
suspended Chris Hart pending an inquiry into his racist Twitter comments.
Standard Bank Group is built on a solid set of values, which includes respecting difference in any form: gender, age, race, skin colour, religion, ideology, sexual orientation, or disability. We also value difference in culture, ethnic or national origin, and political and philosophical conviction.
As such, Standard Bank Group distances itself from comments made by Chris Hart on Twitter on 3 January 2016. The comments made by him are factually incorrect, make inappropriate assumptions about South Africa and have racist undertones.
Accordingly Standard Bank Group will be initiating the appropriate internal disciplinary processes to ensure that these types of personal comments are not associated with Standard Bank Group in the future.
We expect our colleagues in every country to at all time reflect the values of Standard Bank Group.
There are internal processes that need to be followed should any employee be suspected of not reflecting these values. This process too has to respect the rights of everyone involved in any possible violation. We also need to follow relevant laws of the country in which the employee is employed.
Read our values here.
Here is information around our code of ethics and how to report infringement.
Update, 4 January 2016 16:00
Standard Bank has suspended Mr Chris Hart pending an inquiry into the events of his commentary on Twitter on Sunday 3 January. The inquiry will be conducted in line with the bank’s established protocols and its obligations in law. Standard Bank has distanced itself from the comments made by Mr Hart, the outcome of the inquiry will be communicated once the process has run its course.
Hart tweeted on Sunday that ‘More than 25 years after Apartheid ended, the victims are increasing along with a sense of entitlement and hatred towards minorities….