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The PR company representing South African rapper Simiso Zwane who’s been charged with indecent assault in Australia has described the news as a huge surprise.
The rapper who goes by the stage name ‘OkMalumKoolKat’ was arrested this week for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman in her hotel room in the city of Hobart.
Zwane was in the country to perform at the Mona Foma Annual Music Festival. 
It’s believed the rapper has pleaded guilty to the charges.
Stamp Communications’ Bulie Nazo of says details of his arrest are not yet clear at the moment.
“At this stage we have limited information regarding the judgment on Simiso Zwane in Australia. He has no previous legal charges or history of violence whatsoever. We can say that the news come as a huge surprise and one which has truly rocked us all.”
The Mercury reported that, Prosecutor Rebecca Lancaster said Zwane entered the victim’s hotel room through an external sliding door that she had inadvertently left open.
The victim woke to find Zwane, a complete stranger, in her bed kissing her neck and rubbing his hands over her private parts.
According to Lancaster, he then told her “don’t make any noise.”
Zwane stopped after the victim, who can’t be identified, told him to leave and had to show him the way out.
Lancaster said, “This must have been extremely frightening. This is a huge violation … in an environment where she ought to have felt secure and safe.” 

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