Mzansi megastar K.O has been added to the world-renowned annual film, interactive media, and music festival South by Southwest (SXSW) line-up taking place in the US in March.
This year’s SXSW take place between Tuesday, March 15 and Sunday, March 20 in Austin, Texas.
So far approximately 550 artists – with more to be added – across the globe have been announced as part of this year's line-up and Skhanda rap hit-maker K.O made the cut.
In the past, Lil Wayne, Kanye West and Big Sean have taken to the SXSW stage.
In 2014, rapper Tyler, The Creator famously got arrested after an alleged SXSW riot incident.
Over its 28-year period; the notable SXSW Film Conference has had speakers such as Ava DuVernay, Ryan Gosling, Amy Schumer, RZA, Matthew McConaughey, Danny Boyle and many more.
Blockbuster movies such as Furious 7, Neighbors, 21 Jump Street and Bridesmaids all had their world premiere at SXSW.
Late last week, K.O got snubbed from the 2016 Metro FM Music Awards nomination list even though according to the rapper his hit singles Skanda Love and One Love – from his 2014 album Skhanda Republic – were eligible for consideration.