Who paid for #ZumaMustFall billboard? It is a mystery as DA denies responsibility
A huge banner emblazoned with the words “Zuma Must Fall” has been put up on a building in Cape Town’s CBD.
The banner, on the side of a building that houses McDonald’s in Kloof Street, has attracted a lot of attention.
One bystander was heard saying: “That man must go. We salute this. He must go.”
It is unclear at this stage who is behind the sign.
Some dismissed that idea‚ saying no political party would make so big a statement without attaching a name to it.
Radio presenter and PR personality Ian Bredenkamp probably summed up best who was behind a huge billboard saying “ZUMA MUST FALL” on the side of a building on the corner of Cape Town’s Long and Kloof streets: “Someone with big balls & deep pockets