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UDM : is not surprised by the decision to remove Nene.

UDM Reaction
UDM leader Bantu Holomisa on Wednesday said he is not surprised by the decision to remove Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene.
This was given the country’s leadership which was both “morally corrupt and intellectually challenged”, he said.
“They must do us a favour and just recall Zuma, because we never voted for him. He must fall,” Holomisa added.
Holomisa believed Zuma’s relationship with SA Airways chairperson Dudu Myeni had a role to play.
“We know Nene was dressed down by this lady in an ANC study group for refusing to bail her out.
“It is the same morally challenged leadership that wanted to roll out a nuclear programme that Nene did not condone,” Holomisa said.

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