The festive season is upon us and we all know how scorching hot the sun can get around this time of year.
When it’s the festive season, all we want to do is dress less and cool off more. However, not all of us can dress however we want due to our different shapes and sizes.
Renowned fashion designer,
David Tlale, spoke to
ZAlebs and gave us his summer clothing tips for physically big and physically tiny girls.
Big Ladies
For all my voluptuous ladies, it’s important that you stay away from bum shorts, stay away from tights and leggings because you get even hotter. Clothes that would definitely suit you in this hot weather are easy flowing skirts and dresses, Kaftans are big this season, harem pants are easy to wear.
Choose lighter colours for your outfits, play around with white, prints, there’s also a huge tropical feel coming back and also some African prints coming back. So play around with those types of clothes for summer and you won’t go wrong. Keep it simple, don’t clutter yourself, don’t wear clothes that are too tight, it’s summer let’s have fun and be comfortable whilst at it.
Small ladies
Small ladies, you are in an advantage to wear bum shorts but just remember when you go out in public, you’re not only going to a beach, street party etc. Just make sure you’re covered up well, respect your body and just look beautiful.
For both body types remember to also be sexy and carry yourself with confidence.