And the drama contiues... Buhle Mkhize is not backing down.
After detailing her alleged affair with Minister of Home Affairs Malusi Gigaba on Monday, Buhle has received a lot of criticism. She was called all sorts of names and her letter, which was published on local entertainment site Just Curious, even got a response from the Minister himself.
He took to his Instagram page to reveal how he regrets exposing his family to Buhle. In an interview with The New Age, Mr Gigaba denied knowing Buhle, while his wife Norma said she's standing by her man.
The Minister's comments clearly upset Buhle and she took to Instagram to react, using Gigaba's pictures as memes.
Now, Buhle, who is based in the USA, has written another post on Instagram, revealing that she is sticking to her story. She even threatened Gigaba.

buhlemkhizeOkay, I'm DONE. I stand by my 'novel' published yesterday no matter what the world thinks of me. To those questioning the existence of my marriage, why ?. Because I have no happy Instagram pictures to prove it ?. Whatever and NO, my husband is not stupid but supportive because I admitted my guilt. Moving on......I agree@malusi_gigaba's wife had nothing to do with his and my foolishness and I've apologized more than I can count kodwa angeke ngikhamise-ke ngithukwa to no end. YES, I want the matter to come to an end but lingawa licoshwe izinkukhu if anyone thinks I'm going to let the now want to be ' Good leader of the people and a good husband ' make statements that make me look like a psychopath and do nothing. As for you @mrs_gigabyte, let's be straight when we want to say something to each other so please no indirect posts. Put the person's picture up and or tag the beeeeesh. Lastly, ANGINENDABA about ' I'll take legal steps ' because I've told no lies and nami nginabo abameli the two of you and your camp pleaded for me to not give a mandate to. I know the world likely wonders what I could possibly have to sue for here and ngizobaxoxela about that and everything Just Curious edited out, just keep poking me.
#MySAPassportIsVALID #IWILLStartAnInternationalWarToProtectIt #MangitholakaleNgifileBhekani👀