Racist Paul Roos Gymnasium School rejected Vuyokazi Dyani son's said must go to Kayamandi "because that's where he belongs".
If she had been told there simply was not space for her son at Paul Roos Gymnasium in Stellenbosch, she would have been willing to accept this, Vuyokazi Dyani said on Tuesday.
"But I was told to enrol my child at a school at Kayamandi. This response was racially motivated," she said.
The Dyanis, parents of a 15-year-old boy whose application to the elite school was rejected last year, have taken the institution to the Stellenbosch Equality Court.
The couple has accused the school of discrimination and racism after Vuyokazi Dyani was allegedly told to enrol her son at a school in Kayamandi "because that's where he belongs".
The parties appeared in court on Tuesday and the case was postponed to November 12.
Dyani remained adamant that her child was denied admission because he is a black child from the township.
He is now attending a private school in Durbanville.
Dyani previously said her son wakes up at 04:00, travels 3km to the station where he takes a train from Stellenbosch to Kraaifontein, takes a taxi to the Main Road in Durbanville and then walks another 3km to school.
Paul Roos is 4km from her home, she said.
Paul Roos Gymnasium previously said the child's application was unsuccessful as there was no space.