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THESE matric pupils haven’t had maths or physical science teachers for the past year.

THESE matric pupils haven’t had maths or physical science teachers for the past year.
And according to them, their principal is now forcing them to get sick notes so they can miss their matric exams in these subjects and write supplementary papers next year.
Angry pupils at Vutomi Secondary School in Orange Farm, Joburg told Daily Sun many of them had already applied to tertiary institutions and the principal was ruining their plans.
Thobile Mgaga (18) and Mercy Nembambulo (19) said: “We planned to complete our matric this year, but now we are being forced to extend it by six months.
“While other pupils will be writing their science and maths exams, we’ll be expected to visit a nearby clinic for a check-up, even though we’re not sick.
“It’s not only us. Five of our classmates have also been told to do the same thing by the principal.”
Phumla Sekhonyane, spokeswoman for the Gauteng Education Department, said: “The district official responsible for the school only heard about the matter this week.
“Pupils confirmed they were forced to sign agreements not to write certain exam papers.
“The principal was contacted to verify these allegations and he confirmed there was such an agreement.”
Sekhonyane said a letter was issued to the principal, warning him it was illegal to force pupils to lie in order to avoid exams.
“Necessary steps will be taken against the school if it continues with such practices,” she said.
She added the department would monitor exams at the school to ensure all pupils who were supposed to be writing exams were doing so.

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