Quinton cheats on Thembeka – This WEEK on Scandal! Watch it weekdays at 7:30PM.
An ally of Thembeka’s becomes a key factor in deepening Quinton’s suspicions. Zinzile cannot tell Mlungisi what he wants to hear and Lindiwe is keen to turn to Facebook for answers. A second chance for a couple springs from a misunderstanding.
The discovery of a lie causes much anguish which leads to infidelity at The Newtonian. Lindiwe gets Mary to do something underhanded to assist with her a quest. Ndumiso issues Gloria with a serious ultimatum.
Quinton makes a shocking announcement about his marriage to Layla, who realises that her son has been a naughty boy. Mlungisi comes to a potentially horrifying conclusion about his family life. Anzani discovers that someone who works in the NFH building has been lying about his relationship with a sibling.
Quinton denies an accusation and seems intent on starting to lead a double life. Scelo discovers that Lindiwe is gathering information in a less than honest fashion. Gloria finalises her plans, which are not nearly as fabulous as she makes them out to be.
Thembeka starts to fear that her talent for lying is no longer enough to keep her out of trouble and a friend of hers crosses a line for the second time. Lindiwe comes across information which a member of her family is desperate to have. Stokkies has finger trouble which lands him in hot water.