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NEW STUDY: Soda drink a day can raise your risk of heart failure by 23%

You may want to start avoiding that soda pop as a team of researchers has warned that drinking just over one can of sugary drink a day dramatically increases the risk of heart problems.
Drinking just one can of fizzy drink a day can raise your risk of heart failure by 23 percent, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm study says, the Mirror reported.
A further analysis, excluding people diagnosed with heart failure in the first five years, showed the link still held true.
The researchers warned that because it was an observational study, no conclusion could be drawn to say sweetened drinks definitely caused heart failure.
They stressed that the study only involved older white men, and the findings may not apply to younger age groups, women, or specific ethnic groups.
In an accompanying editorial, Spanish professors Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez and Miguel Ruiz-Canela said people who drink a lot of sweetened drinks often have a poor diet overall, which is more of a determinant of ill health than any one component.

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