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Muzart’s Get Down music video debuts today #GetDownFriday

Muzart, one of SA’s freshest and most exciting new bands will debut the music video for their chart topping single, Get Down, today.

Watch Muzart’s Get Down music video here:
Muzart’s Get Down music video will debut today on the below shows and will be on high rotation on Channel O over the next week.
  • 5pm on Channel O Crispy Fresh
  • 7:30pm on Turn Up Channel O
Get Down was a trending topic in South Africa at rank 1 when it first debuted and is currently play listed on radio stations across the country such as Metro FM, Heart FM, Goodhope FM, YFM, Capricorn FM, Tru FM, Ukhozi FM and Gagasi FM just to mention a few.

Get Down is the first single of Muzart’s forthcoming album, Facets, which will be released in the first quarter of 2016.
The single creates a beautiful transition from one album to the next. Get Down is a nostalgic tune that takes a journey down memory lane to music we grew up hearing, where in taxis, at home on a Saturday morning or from our uncle’s tape player. With Get Down, Muzart are celebrating the great music that came before them and inspired them. It’s a feel good song, one for the whole family!
“We believe music has the ability to capture moments; we hope that with this song people will think back to those special moments they had with music!” expresses Muzart.

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