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Lol. Drunken man wakes up to see a pair of glasses tattooed on his face (photos)

Lol. Why are some people this mean? An unnamed man from Swansea was left with a permanent memory of a stag trip to Blackpool after waking with a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses tattooed on his face. The tattoo even had the word 'Rayban' crudely etched into his skin.
He initially thought that the glasses had been scrawled on with permanent marker, but soon realised that they were even worse than that. "Waking up the morning after, I thought someone had used a permanent marker on my face." he said.

 "I had no memory of getting the tattoo because I had gone out celebrating and when it happened I was drunk. When I first came home, obviously I was subject to a lot of stares, but I kind of got used to the tattoo and decided not to get rid of it."

But two years on, and the man has removed the tattoo with a course of six laser treatments after he was confronted by someone in a pub.

"The next morning I really started to think about what my family and friends thought," he told the Evening Post.
     "I didn’t want them to be embarrassed when they were out with me, so I decided there and then I was going to get it removed."

After six laser treatments, his tattoo is no longer visible to the naked eye.

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