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THE teenage girl left the church service with her Bible in hand and got into a taxi, not knowing that she was stepping into a den of evil!

Her family, who were sick with worry when their daughter did not come home, praised the Lord when she was found on Tuesday, mostly unharmed.

When she told them what had happened, they realised that she had barely escaped from the clutches of death.

The girl’s 40-year-old mum told Daily Sun that when her daughter failed to come home on Sunday she went to the cops to report a case missing person allegedly was kidnapped in a flying car.

The cops informed her that a missing person case could only be opened after 48 hours.

Soon after she did that on Tuesday, she received a call saying that a girl believed to be her child had been found outside a nearby village.
  • The girl was taken to the clinic and declared fine.
  • It was also confirmed that she had not been raped.
  • But to her horror her daughter looked as though she was suffering from epileptic seizures.
“She spoke in a low voice. We saw that her tongue was sore,” said the mum.

She said her daughter told her that after she boarded the taxi it suddenly “took off” as if it was an aeroplane.

The next thing, she woke up in a room full of people, some of whom she knew.

“When she told me their names I was shocked and scared because they were the names of dead people!

“She said the people tried to beat her and take away her Bible, saying it was not welcomed there,” she told Daily Sun.

“Then each person was given a razor to cut themselves. She managed to hide hers in her jersey.

“When the other saw she had not cut herself she took her Bible and it opened at Psalm 142 – a prayer of David when he was in a cave.

The girl told her mum that she was then chased out because of her refusal to part with her Bible.

She ran until she ended up in a forest, where a boy proposed to her and tried with force to take her phone and get her number.

That is when she screamed and was found.

Police spokesman Captain Mduduzi Godlwana confirmed that a case of kidnapping had been opened and was being investigated.

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