UZALO star Khumbulani “Kay” Sibiya (27) is hopping mad at his sugar mama, Zukiswa “Zookey Zarling” Vuthela (38).
This after Zookey aired their dirty linen on social media.
The Teatime to Lunchtime presenter of Gagasi FM alleged that her Ben 10 lover impregnated her and vanished into thin air.
But now Kay, who plays Ayanda in the SABC1 telenovela, has hit back saying:
“What I had with Zookey was a fling. Just a sexual relationship, not a real relationship. Hence we had sex twice in the space of one week and then she claimed to be pregnant
“I don’t know how she fell pregnant because she told me she used the morning-after pill.”
He said they used a condom but somehow it broke.
“The condom broke and she promised to use the morning-after pill. Weeks later she told me she was pregnant and this shocked me. Now all I want is a DNA test but she’s refusing to do it. Instead, she’s writing me letters about abortion and posting them on social networks,” he added.
The letter he’s referring to was posted by Zookey on her Facebook page and is titled: A letter From The Womb From a Child That Was Requested To Be Aborted.
The actor said he met Zookey last year at the MTV Africa Music Awards.
He added he never asked Zookey to abort the baby and claimed Zookey has gone as far as phoning his boss about the matter.
He told Sunday Sun: “I regret meeting this woman. She wants to destroy my life. She insulted my dad and sister and even called my boss, ubaba Duma ka Ndlovu. But I explained to my family and my boss that if the child is truly mine I will take care of her, but at the moment all I want is a DNA test.”
Zookey got angry when she was told about the DNA test.
“Kay chose to be an absent father. To him this baby doesn’t exist. He asked me to abort and I won’t bother him. I’ve raised two teenagers already from my two ex-husbands, so Kay can go away,” she said..