Distinguishing important information from unimportant information can be a time-consuming process, which can be made more accessible by using the following processes
Check Dates.
Verify that the information you receive or find is still valid by the check date it was sent to you or the date it was published. You can disregard the information because it has expired.
Consider the source.
Check from whom you receive the information. This step is especially crucial when you find information on the internet that is full of junk content. You must ensure your source is reliable before acting on the information the source is providing.
Find the ultimate source.
Make sure you know from whom the information is coming in the first place. By the time information reaches you or you find it on the internet. It may have already been filtered through several different sources. Finding the ultimate source of the information can help you determine how valuable information is to you.
Separate Facts from Opinion
Facts can be verified. For example,, if you hear that Apple dropped Google Maps on its brand, there will be a a statement made by Apple to the public, and Google's confirmation statement will help check the statement's validity. Opinion statements are much easier to disregard than factual statements because you can disapprove opinion statements. After all, they might not based on indisputable facts.