Today I who I am because of you Mandela
Today I can go where ever I want in South Africa free what a privilege.
Today I can talk what I want and feel
-Today I can share what I need and not.
-Today I can have what I need and want.
-Today I can do what I want at any time.
Today I can leave where I want
Internet seems as the number one communication link across the world, current every one knows the fresh story about our South African hero Nelson Mandela health status. Without spending so much you can get the full story from internet.
I was very sad in this morning when I forget my ear phones to lesson radio and get updates about Madiba. Without Mandela I was not going the get a chance or freedom of sharing this news with you free. He took the leadership in peace and left the leadership in peace what a leader.
Please Tata Uma-Madela stay more and more years we still need you.
With the power of Internet we behind you and your family