Excited to move? The first step to relocating to a new place is to pack your belongings. It is also the most tedious of all steps involved in the moving process. According to professional
local movers in Durham, people don’t enjoy this part because of the lack of proper planning and preparation.
No matter how minimal your lifestyle is, it is hard to pack the entire house in one day. To make the process easier and less stressful, planning and preparing ahead is essential.
However, the question arises: What is the right time to start packing for your move? The answer is at least three weeks before your move date. If there is a lot to pack, start as early as six to eight weeks before your anticipated move date, or you can consult
residential movers; they will give you a good plan. The earlier you start to pack, the easier the moving process will be, even when working with a
moving service.
In this article, we will share a moving plan to make the process of moving less stressful for you. So without further ado, let’s get to the details.
A week-by-week guide to packing before you move:
6-8 weeks:
In the first week of packing, you should plan what to pack and how to clean. You should also need to separate what you are taking with you from what you are leaving behind. Following are some of the essential steps to cover in the first few weeks:
Briefly clean your house:
By briefly cleaning your house, you clearly know which tasks you need to tackle first. It gives you an overview of what you own and what you need to take long.
· Decide what you don’t need:
Go through every room and see which items you no longer need. Sell, donate or throw away the items you won’t be taking along. When you have fewer things to move, the cost will be below.
· Divide everything into different categories:
Dedicate the first week to planning. Decluttering will become easier when you group similar items and pack them together. For example, separate fragile items and glassware from non-fragile items. Pack toiletries in a separate bag. Pack winter and summer clothes in separate boxes. This practice will make it easier for you to determine the cost of the move.
5 weeks:
· Sell what you don’t need:
Four weeks before your move, take out everything you want to sell. Post it online or hold a yard or garage sale. This way, you will make money and save the amount you had to pay to get these unwanted belongings removed.
· Donate items others can use:
If there is something not worth selling, don’t throw it away. You can donate it to someone who actually needs it. Remember, trash to one person might be a treasure for another. While donating, get a receipt to check your donation off while filing for taxes.
4 weeks:
Now that you have a clear idea of what you will take to your new home, it is time to choose a reliable moving company. You should get quotes from as many companies as possible during this week. Make sure to hire a full-service moving company. Research the online reputation of each moving company you have in mind. Check to license and consult with your friends and family before finalising the moving company that will carry out your move.
2-3 weeks:
It’s time to start packing. Get packing supplies. Tackle one room at a time. Pack the non-essential items first. Label each of the boxes according to the items it contains. Pack valuable or personal items yourself.
1 week:
Now that there is only a week to move, it is time to pack your essential items. Start with the kitchen. Use a suitable material to pack dishes and glassware so they don’t break. Pack the clothes and bedding next. Keep some clothes and toiletries handy when you move to your new place.
Wrapping up!
Packing your belongings is the most challenging step when moving to a new neighbourhood. However, it gets easier to pack and move if you plan the process. Create a 6-8 week moving and packing plan. Start early to make the tedious task of moving less stressful.