It has been confirmed to TshisaLIVE that Rhythm City actor Dumi Masilela died in a hijacking ordeal on Wednesday evening. Also Read: #RIPTsekeleke Tsekeleke has passed away, Rest in Peace Fatty Boom Boom "It is true. We are not sure of the details at the moment but we understand that he was involved in a hijacking on Wednesday and died," Rhythm City publicist Joe Strydom told TshisaLIVE.
The actor, who played the role of Sifiso Ngema on the popular soapie had recently got married to former Muvhango actress Simphiwe Ngema.
When contacted for comment, a distraught Simphiwe refused to speak and put down the phone.
A car accident sidelined Dumi's professional soccer career several years ago. After more than three years of rehabilitation, he carved out a career in TV.