Thabi received the respect of many when she revealed her bedroom skills to the entire nation, she knew exactly which buttons to press, how to press them and damn she did the things to him.
If you were watching Tuesday night’s episode with your parents we feel sorry for you because the scene was really
Radio presenter and actress Motsoaledi Setumo plays the role of Thabitha Cele.
For those of you who haven’t been watching Generations for a minute, here’s how Thabi plays into the storyline:
Thabi with the help of Jack Mabaso is back to make Tau Mogale’s life a living hell and to make him pay for revenge after Tau killed her brother Abe Cele. The se_xy model is going under cover with instructions from Mr Mabaso and is using her charm and se_x appeal to get what she wants.
As part of her plan, she seduces Smanga and gets really close to him with the hopes of getting access to the Moroka house, where she can be even closer to Tau. Last nights se_x scene with Smaga took everyone by surprise. When Thabi tied herself up and made herself a se_x slave for Smanga we knew that 1; Smanga’s soul was going to get snatched out of him because he’s all about kinky bedroom activities and 2; viewers were going to have a hard time dealing with such an x-rated scene.
Some of us are still recovering from this candle light aphrodisiac anyway…