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Kenny Kunene is actually charging R1,500 for pics of his newborn

Businessman Kenny Kunene and his wife Whitney welcomed their baby boy Remo Mokgethwa Kunene on Sunday and his newborn is already rolling in the dough.

After the announcement of "baby billionaire" Remo Mokgethwa Kunene birth on Sunday, a few pictures of the family started circulating on social media.

All the photos bear the trademark of a PR company that has "bought" the exclusive rights to all the snaps. The businessman has told TshisaLIVE that he was paid a large amount by the company, which he wouldn't disclose, so that the pictures of his child are exclusive.

"If you want the pictures you have to get in contact with the PR company that has published the first pictures. The pictures will be paid for and they are going R1,500 per picture," he said.

An employee of the PR confirmed that the company has exclusive rights to the snaps and they have watermarked them in an attempt to stop the free for all.

Kenny told TshisaLIVE that mom and the baby are healthy and that he is already enjoying being a "hands on" dad.

"I am so happy because he is the blessing we have been praying for and he is healthy. I slept at 1 am last night but its okay because I am ready. I want to be there all the time," he said.

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