Cape Town - Despite initial legal threats, AKA and Zinhle have kept their split very amicable. Well, that was right up until this very moment.
It all started on Thursday when Zinhle posted a picture of herself wearing one of Euphonik’s Nonke T-shirts.
ICYMI: The T-shirt threw major shade at Bonang, who Euphonik referred to as “Msunu yenu Nonke” during an
ugly Twitter rant.
Now that everyone is up to speed.
AKA kicked off his Twitter rant by pointing out that Zinhle has pictures of his mom in her house, and none of her own mother.
He called the whole situation petty.
He expressed that he has been quiet for far too long and will one day tell his side of the story.
Looks like the day has finally arrived.
He pointed out that Bonang has always been quiet about the whole situation and has never bad-mouthed Zinhle in any way.
He hinted that a lot of
ish went on behind closed doors and that he never spoke about, because he was trying to be a good father.
Shame, even baby Kairo got dragged into the ugliness.
Source: channel24