The Road star has revealed that her new single titled Sisters, from her upcoming album, will feature Wits University SRC President Nompendulo Mkhatshwa.
Mkhatshwa garnered some attention during last year’s powerful #FeesMustFall movement.
Furthermore, Mngoma states that her new single will drop on 21 March, coinciding with Human Rights Day.
“Let the movement & legacy begin [sic] My new Single "SISTERS" which is the Intro on my upcoming album (due for local & international release 2017), drops 21 March 2016 on Human Rights Day with fellow African Queen and powerful, inspiring lady. The President of the Wits SRC Nompendulo Mkhatshwa [sic] This Intro to my album is a dedication to all the powerful #Sisters of the world,” Mngoma captioned on Instagram.
Mkhatshwa also took to the same social media platform the send Mngoma a shout-out.
“Because we are sisters! Thank you to my new big sister Nnandi Mngoma for giving us this opportunity. Young women will lead and they will lead together! We will stand up for each other and protect one another,” Mkhatshwa wrote.